Join me online this Wednesday morning for our weekly Therapeutic Repair Class!
Here’s what I’ve got on the menu this week:
Wed. Oct. 16th – 9:30-10:45 am – Spinal Therapeutics
'If you seek health, look first to the spine.'
- Socrates
The human spine is an incredible structure that allows both stability and protection for our all-important central nervous system, but also allows the mobility needed to coordinate and support the movement of all parts of our body. The spine is one of nature's most highly evolved structures, and when properly cared for, is a highly resilient structure that can keep us healthy and mobile for our entire life. However, when spinal tensions get out of balance, things can quickly become painful as degenerative conditions set in, causing life enjoyment to decline.
In this class, we look at the natural functions and ranges of movement which indicate a healthy spine, we learn to detect and understand where our spinal tension is out of balance, explore ways to rebalance and repair it's tissues, discs, and nerves, will find relief in the knowledge that even severe spinal damage can be improved or healed, and will learn a simple process of spinal restoration that will help get your spine back on track so you can live your best and healthiest life!
I look forward to seeing you in class!
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