Join me online this Wednesday morning some great Therapeutic Yoga! Here’s what I’ve got on the menu this week:
Tues. Mar. 11th - 6:00-7:00pm
Ribcage & Neck Therapeutics
In this class we will take a deep dive into our ribcage and learn how loosening and mobilizing our ribs can not only create easier breathing and less shoulder and upper back pain, but how it can also increase the range of motion and health of our neck. Our neck and head have an incredible amount of compensation that they are subjected to since they are the highest part of our body in the field of gravity. As such, they have to adjust to every misalignment, adhesion, and injury that is below them. Without restructuring the ribcage, it can be almost impossible to get the neck to heal, but when the ribcage improves, the neck will automatically benefit from the space created which, in turn, allows it to recognize new opportunities for better alignment with less compensation. Through decompression, fascial rolling, mobilization, and long-hold stretches, we will learn to give our ribcage what it needs to restore the natural movements which should be available to it, and set the foundation for what our neck needs in order for it to be able to heal and feel better!
Wed. Mar. 12th - 9:30-10:45am
Healthy, Happy, Hips Class
Join me for a class dedicated entirely towards the liberation of our hips! In this class we will explore all of the ranges of motion available to our hips, stretching and mobilizing within each of these options. Hip care is essential to how we feel, how we move, and very importantly, how we age. If cared for correctly and consistently, our hips have an incredible capacity to repair themselves, even when they are experiencing incredible levels of pain and restriction. The key is in the process - how we approach our self-care, and how we meet our hips where they are at. Through mindful stretching, even the most painful hip joint can be taught to move and feel better. In this class we will explore techniques that are proven to work and will discuss how to adjust each technique to help give your unique hips what they need to repair and restore, and become healthy, happy, hips again!
Register at: www.centeredwithinyoga.com/in-person-and-virtual-classes
I look forward to seeing you in class!