Spinal Decompression & Repatterning
Join me for a class celebrating the human spine through a therapeutic journey dedicated to decompression, balance, and liberation of our body's most important movement structure! Designed with an intricate balance between tension and compression structures, your spine has over 120 different muscles, around 220 ligaments, 100 joints, 26 bones, and 23 discs. When functioning well, these parts come together to enable an almost limitless potential for movement from a place of comfort and ease. However, when certain areas get tight, over compressed, our out of sync with the rest of the system, pain, degeneration, and injury often occur.
In this class we will learn to use therapy balls and long-hold stretches to decompress our spine from the bottom all the way up to the top. We will seek to understand where the tensional tissues of the spine are out of balance and how this incorrect tension can lead to compression and damage. Most importantly, we will uncover what it is that you need to do to rebalance, decompress, and bring your spine to a place of freedom!
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