I shared this slide in class today. Its actually a chart from a recent study on the human spine. In this study, all participants are healthy, no spinal pain, and no history of spinal injury. The people in this study are all 'Asymptomatic' for back pain.
We discussed the tendency to focus on a 'label' to our back pain, or getting stuck on a diagnosis. Many people attribute their back pain to the conditions listed on this chart. However, modern research is showing us that the percentage of people with these spinal conditions is equal in both the demographs with no spinal pain and the demographs with spinal pain. We can no longer definitively say that these conditions cause pain at all!
Modern research is showing us that the spine has incredible trauma and memory storage and oftentimes, our back pain can be from unprocessed emotion or stress - especially of the kind often called the 'soldiering through symptom.'

I wonder what hidden 'dysfunctions' might be visible in my perfectly happy and functional spine?