Here's a clip from the final class of our ANCHORED workshop series on Nervous System Repatterning which I teach with the fabulous Nicole Von Chorus, my favorite yogini and co-teacher. Salutation to the Earth helps us to get out of our head and grounded in the present moment, helping us to engage and energize our stabilizers, balance our right and left brain hemispheres, as well as balancing our lower limbic brain functions with our upper more cerebral centers. Between the balance in our bodies, the balance in our brain and nervous system, and the healthy flow of breath and movement, Salutation to the Earth is a great practice to get your day started right, to help you unwind when life feel chaotic or overwhelming, and to give you a good pick-me-up when your feeling blue or unmotivated. I encourage you to give it a try and leave me your thoughts and comments below! Enjoy!
Would you like to learn more about Salutation to the Earth?
Check out this article we wrote to see written instructions on how to do the flow, the learn the benefits and anatomy behind why this flow is so effective, and to learn more about obstacles and adjustments for injuries or health conditions! We hope you enjoy it!